Wednesday, February 25, 2009

dear r: just a phase

dear r: just a phase

dear r:

do you want to know
what it was like when i left you?

at first it was way too quiet and
i did nothing but read and write
and i spent most of my time
falling down stairs of words
but this was just a phase

there was mourning, there was grief
there was pain and i told the moon
or whomever would listen to just
leave me alone but
this was just a phase

do you want me to say i was
bleeding on the bathroom floor?
do you want me to say i was
holes and dents in furniture?
do you want me to say i was
just evaporating ?

i am not where i belong but
i will get over this wreckage
its just a phase

JANEisnotplain 2.09

Tuesday, February 24, 2009



dear r:

so far life has just meant that
if i am cut i will be healed and
it will happen a thousand times

but with you it has been
vodka mixed with punch
my lips on the rim taking
slow sips with salt licks
because i trusted you and

that will only happen once

copyright JANEisnotplain 2.09