Saturday, May 16, 2009

dear r: but

dear r: but

dear r :

she held my hand.
she opened the car door for me.
she laughed hysterically with me.
she kept the conversation interesting.
she paid for my dinner in an overpriced restaurant.
she took me home tipsy.
she gave me three very delicate kisses.
she did everything perfectly.

but she isn’t you.

you would leave me empty handed.
you would never open my door.
you wouldn’t have laughed like that.
you would’ve had me pick up the tab.
you would’ve had me out all night.


you would have kissed me with ferocity
that i can still feel eight months later.

i don’t miss you now.
i miss you then.

you were my art.
now your absence is.

JANEisnotplain 5.16.09

on more than just a date.

Friday, May 15, 2009

dear r: addiction


dear r / addiction:

fuck the inside of my
nervous system. strained.

i want to be so happy that
the windows blur my cornea.

i want to fall asleep in
someone else’s living room.

someone who doesn’t take
me for granted.

i don’t need you.
and i will prove it.


JANEisnotplain 5.09

Monday, May 11, 2009

dear r: ends

dear r: ends

dear r:

i let you hurt me
from the inside out
but now i am seeing
the end of things and
i am beginning things
knowing their end.

i love my own self
with a despair that
astonishes these
pale wrists that
move over this
yellowed page.

i am no longer
fractured ,fragile
or easily loved.

here the ground
everywhere is
decadent with
rose petals.

isn’t that what you
wanted to hear?

i am sorry to dis-
appoint you but
i will not let you
hurt me ever again.


JANEisnotplain 5.09