Thursday, November 16, 2006

dear r: drunk

dear r : drunk

the drink is a
metaphor for
self- destruct

typed words
are trapped
and twisted
into useless.

in a box I
the remains
of my heart.


JANEisnotplain 11.06

Sunday, April 23, 2006

dear r: untitled doubts

untitled doubts

dear r:

[you can’t expect to build anything, if you don’t have the bricks to start with]

if i love you,
will that be enough?

and if you understand me,
will it just be memorization?

because distance is just
another word for commitment
and devotion is the
virtue of a slave

will you keep my soul
in a glass jar?

[everything is crumbling]

©JANEisnotplain 4/23/06