Tuesday, June 19, 2007



dear r,

i see
you see

i see you

even with
the lens in between


copyright JANEisnotplain 3.07
a letter to

i said the word “soul.” but what i really meant was “empty.” we’re not so alone. love. because we over-medicate. and dance in circles around our fears.

what are you most afraid of? dying? falling? your own poorly molded definition. of what it really means to be alone?

what does it mean anyway? waking up every day to filtered sunlight. falling asleep to the tune of hating. everything because it failed you.

or did you fail yourself. and what do the cracks in the mirror suggest? a flaw in the design? but which design? the one you made for yourself? or the one created for the sake of structure?

structure. has never been your strong suit. or else you would have been an architect. not a painter or poet.

foundations crumble. under the weight of a. kiss and tell by the bathroom mirror. but what does it really mean? the morning after when held to the light?

copyright JANEisnotplain 12.06